All this based on the premise that there really IS a "climate emergency," when the above-mentioned hockey stick elites' patently obvious lies and exaggerations are proof that there is not a problem .. if there were a real problem, there would be no need tontry to deceive.

It's not that people are blind to environmental concerns. Most of us care hugely about pollution. And the planet. But not about some hyped, exaggerated trend where the evidence of our own eyes and the visible propaganda and hypocrisy raise the skepticism these charades deserve.

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Whatever problems may exist will be solved by capitalism, as it has for the past 250 years. Prior to that, when states were the owners, forests were denuded (think Lebanon, Mont Ventoux, etc.), rivers indiscriminately rerouted with huge unintended/unconsidered consequences, etc. The environmental disasters since the 1700's have been in communist and other authoritarian countries. Capitalism rewards the preservation of assets, not their destruction. Totalitarian regimes rely on taking assets by force. When they no longer have any value, just appropriate more assets. Seeing the proposed problem includes "attitudes must be changed", it seems Chrisyppus has adopted a surprisingly unliberal position.

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The alienation relationship with nature strikes me as the real chord. There’s a new song needed there. A biblical or religious one was stewardship. But a modern one does seem distracted, noise. Culture is not on the surface, rather always in the becoming, youth especially being where its at. In that way, this kindles and infuses me with abundant inspiration. Like nature. Whose the highest power? I like the alignment and think this author nailed it.

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